Sea Pebbles

Siempre me ha gustado el tacto de los guijarros de la playa. Su textura, su forma, su tacto frío y sólido a la vez. Este verano, en Bretaña, las playas estaban llenas de guijarros. Su visión me inspiró, aparte de mis "Poisson Galet", estas piedras envueltas en crochet. Realmente ha sido una experiencia fascinante ir trabajando el ganchillo sobre la piedra, envolviendo su superficie dura y fría con una agradable y cálida capa de lana.

I've always liked the feel of the pebbles on the beach. Its texture, weight, its feel cold and solid at once. This summer, in Britanny, the beaches were full of pebbles!. Their vision inspired me, besides my "Poisson Galet", these round stones wrapped in crochet. It was a really fascinating experience to work with the hook on the stone, wrapping its hardness and coldness with a nice and warm layer of yarn.


  1. You have so many cool things posted here! So happy I came by to visit. :)


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